Find What Frees You.

I get that feeling your emotions can be a scary and overwhelming process. That you worry if you feel an emotion that means you’re stuck with it for life. I know because I was in that state for most of my life. Completely void of my emotions. They call this lack of emotional intelligence nowadays. Back then, it was called “clueless”.

At SolefulYin, our approach is simple. Through Yin Yoga and Mindfulness practices, we teach you the value of putting your emotional wellbeing first and learning how to observe your feelings, emotions without labelling them as good or bad. We understand how intimidating it can be to admit that you’re sad, angry or scared.

But here is the thing about emotions. They are meant to move through you, not stay in you. This is where Yin Yoga can help.

Yin Yoga is a gentle and passive yoga practice that incorporates holding yoga poses for 2 to 5 minutes supported with props to allow the body to safely release trapped emotions. Yin is a meditative practice that provides you with the space to contemplate your thoughts, observe your feelings while focusing on the breath and soothing the nervous system into a state where the body feels safe to let the emotions release.

Simple props such as blankets, cushions, books and pillows can be used in place of yoga props to hold your body as it invites in emotional awareness. While the practice is rooted in the physical stretch, its benefits extend on an emotional level.

Some of the key mental and emotional benefits of practicing Yin Yoga are:

  • Increased flexibility in your mind
  • Breath connection
  • Improved emotional balance
  • Reduced symptoms of stress, depression & anxiety
  • Deep quality of sleep
  • Calms the mind and improves mental focus
  • Regulates the nervous system

Whether you’re a complete beginner to Yin Yoga or you want to deepen your current practice, our classes are here to help you create emotional awareness and balance. All it takes to start your transformation is a single pose. That’s HOW it happened for me. You can read all about my journey with Yin Yoga HERE.

So let’s step onto that mat and do this thing called LIFE together. Start your 7 day FREE TRIAL on my platform and take advantage of unlimited practices. See how little as a 5 minute practice can bring you mental clarity, awareness, emotional connection and a calm nervous system. Sign up HERE.

Discover weekly inspiration for mindful living by joining my weekly Livestream Yin classes HERE.