Not Your Average Chocolate Avo Pudding

After a long day of filming for my online platform I needed some recovery fuel for my sore muscles, cuz you know there’s always retakes when you’re filming 💪

This avocado chocolate pudding is honestly the best I’ve ever made. It’s an adaptation from one of my fave Raw Vegan recipe books called Living Raw Foods by Sarma Melngailis.

Many years ago I was lucky to actually enjoy this tasty dessert at her takeout resto One Lucky Duck. It was so good I thought it was full of dairy, but lol lol it’s vegan for sure and its been made on repeat ever since 😝

Avocado is so good for you, loaded with good fats and potassium for those sore achy muscles 😅

Makes 4 servings.


1 cup raw pecans

2-3 tbsps coconut butter or oil, warmed to liquefy

1/4 cup raw cacao powder

3/4 cup dark maple syrup

2 ripe avocados

Sea salt


Start by placing the pecans in a good processor and adding a bit of the coconut oil/butter. Process until super smooth like butter. This will yield a firmer pudding.

In a high speed blender, add the pecan butter, cacao powder, salt. Blend until smooth. Then add in the maple syrup and blend again.

Add in the remaining coconut oil/butter slowly to the mixture and continue blending. Then add in the avocado and blend until super creamy and smooth.

Enjoy right away or chill in the fridge for a bit. I prefer it chilled but it’s fab any way you eat it.😀

@solefulyinliving ✌️