Easy Peasy Coconut Mylk

In those moments where you’re like out of dairy free mylk and are too lazy to go to the store, you can make your own coconut milk in a snap with 3 ingredients.

Seriously so easy my friends! I always keep dried coconut flakes in my pantry for days where I’m out. This recipe can be made in less than 1 hour. Keeps for 5 days in the fridge.

This recipe is nut free, dairy free, gluten and sugar free as well.😊


2 cups dried coconut flakes

4 1/2 cups filtered warm water

1/2 tsp pure vanilla extract

Pinch of sea salt


Place the coconut flakes in a medium bowl and cover with the water. Cover the bowl and let sit for 1 hour.

Then place into a high speed blender and blend on high until smooth.

You can strain it through a cheese cloth if it’s not quite smooth enough. My blender is really powerful so my milk turns out silky smooth.

Place into a large mason jar and into the fridge until ready for use.

So so easy!!!

@solefulyinliving ✌️